Reports & Studies Copenhagen Economics Study on customs duty de minimis Fit for 55 Workshop_EEA TEC Sustainable Aviation Fuels Aviation Round Table Report on the Recovery of European Aviation – Urgent call for action from the assembled European aviation sector Aviation Round Table Report on the Recovery of European Aviation Presentation The Economic Value of The European Express Industry_Oxford Economics_EEA The Impact of the Express Industry on the EU Economy – Oxford Economics Report 2020 The import VAT and duty de-minimis in the European Union – Where should they be and what will be the impact? From Recovery to Prosperity. A five year European policy framework The Economic Impact of Express Carriers in Europe – November 2011 EEA Implementation Guide to the EU Postal Legislation ‘Economic importance of the express industry – Market Analysis 2010’ (in German) Views and Experiences on Urban Freight Mobility Study on the Balanced Approach to Noise Management and its Influence on the Economic Impact of Air Transportation NEA: European Modular System (EMS) Paper Oxford Economics: The Impact of the Express Delivery Industry on the Global Economy SH&E: A comparison of groundhandling charges between Europe and the United States Oxford Economic Forecasting: The Economic Impact of Express Carriers in Europe 2005 German version of the Executive Summary of the Economic Impact Study of Express Carriers In Europe EEA Policy Guide – in French EEA Policy Guide – in English